Task: Before you read the 6th chapter predict what Alex tells Tom when he meets him for the first time after 16 years.
In my opinion Alex won't be sure what he can say or what he can do. Maybe he will stutter or interrupt the whole time his sentences. Probably Tom will do the first step and say sorry for all the years, for all the mistakes he has done. Then Alex will ask his questions, for that he searchs the aswers for years. I think when Alex isn't anymore so shy, he will flare up, speak louder and maybe reproach his father his suffernigs.
Task 2: After you read the 6th chapter: What did Alex say? Where you right? Give evidence from the text!
I was right, when I said that Alex is very unsure about what to talk (look p. 31/ l. 12: he didn't know how he can say: Dad, Tom or better Mr. Connell? +l.15: ...whispered...). I was wrong, when I said that Alex will ask a lot of questions, but I tell the truth when I predict that Alex flare up and get to speak louder (p. 31/l. 23: ... he shouted...) and I was right when I thought that Alex will reproach his father his sufferings (look p.32/l.1: ... my father abandoned me when I was three years old...!)